Monday, December 14, 2009

Dedication and Unveiling of the Native American Mural "We Are Still Here"

The Native American Mural was commissioned by the Cesar Chavez Student Center Governing Board and was dedicated on November 20, 2009. The mural depicts community activism, self determination, resistance and survivance of Native American peoples.

The mural themes include:

* The connection between the SF State Strike of 1968-69 and the occupation of Alcatraz.
* Self-determination and political struggle
* Ohlone tribal nation and other nations indigenous to the Bay Area
* Intertribal council of male and female leadership
* Genocide and Holocaust
* Exploitation and destruction of the land
* Survivance

MCs: Dianna Baldwin, (Osage/Kaw/Cherokee) President, S.K.I.N.S
& Philip M. Klasky, Department of American Indian Studies (AIS)
Opening Blessing by Ann Marie Sayers (Ohlone)
Dr. Kenneth Monteiro, Dean of the College of Ethnic Studies
Dr. Jake Perea, Dean of the College of Education
Dr. Melissa Nelson (Anishinaabe/Métis [Turtle Mountain Chippewa])(AIS)
Dr. Andrew Jolivette (Creole/Opelousa/Atakapa)(AIS)
Dr. Elizabeth Parent (Athabascan)
Aimée Zenzele Barnes, Richard Oakes Multi-Cultural Center
Jackie Mendez, Chair, Native American Mural Committee
Mike Preston (Winnemum Wintu)
Frank Kellum (Choctaw/Chickasaw)
Hector Heredia (Apache/Dine’/Yaqui)
April McGill (Yuki/Wappo/Wailaki/Little Lake)(AIS/S.K.I.N.S)
Michele Maas (Anishinaabe)(Native American Health Center)
Mural Artists, Marc Nicely and Larry Sillaway (Yurok)

Cultural Presentations:
Dr. John Carlos Perea (Mescalero Apache)(AIS)
Kanyon Sayers Roods (Ohlone)
Pomo Dancers
Eddie Madril (Pascua Yaqui)

Special Guests:
The Richard Oakes Family

Primary Artist: Marc Nicely in collaboration with Larry Sillaway

check out SFSU [x]press' article on the Native American Mural Dedication:

check out a multimedia on the Native American Mural Unveiled here:

check out American Indian Dances at the Mural Unveiling on [x]press' website under "[x]press multimedia":



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