Come check out the latest additions to our DVD collection! Introducing three incredible, acclaimed documentaries that challenge our understanding of our own histories as it has typically been told to us. Our Spirits Don't Speak English: Indian Boarding School uncovers the dark history of the U.S. government's atrocious boarding school policy for Native children. The film, produced by Rich-Heape Films, won Best Feature Documentary at the International Cherokee Film Festival.

The Trail of Tears: Cherokee Legacy is another multiple award-winning documentary by Native-owned production company, Rich-Heape Films. Told from a Native American perspective, the film explores the brutal history of the Cherokee Nation's forced relocation from their native homelands under the federal Indian Relocation Act of 1830.
When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts is a critically-acclaimed documentary series by Academy Award-nominated director Spike Lee. The documentary explores the disaster of Hurricane Katrina and the lives affected in New Orleans. Spike Lee asks hard-hitting questions about race, federal policy and inaction and the value of human life in this deeply political yet heartwrenching documentary.

New titles coming soon: Don't Get Sick In June: American Indian Healthcare by Rich-Heape Films
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